We are a Stand Up Paddle company in Annapolis, MD. Our main goal is to help spread the word and increase interest in stand up paddle boarding in the area. We regularly host group paddles, races, cleanups, etc. We also sell the best top of the line boards for the best prices in the area. We can find the perfect board for you, just give us a call! 443-829-2266

Friday, May 3, 2013


To celebrate our 5th year in business this summer we are going to have a little contest!! Send us a cool/creative photo of yourself with a SUP ANNAPOLIS shirt/jersey/sweatshirt on in the picture. Can be an action shot on the water or a still shot in a cool locations, etc. We will pick out the best ones and put it to a vote online. The winner gets a new Thule Sup Taxi board carrier!! Team riders are not allowed in the contest (sorry boys) haha... Send your pictures to Info@supannapolis.com. We will pick a winner at the end of the month


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